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Tervetuloa tutustumaan digitaalisen sarjakuvan tulevaisuuteen! Työpajassa tehdään australialaisen Sutun opastuksella uudenlaisia digitaalisia sarjakuvia Instagramiin ja lisätyn todellisuuden Arilyn-sovellukseen. Samalla kuullaan sarjakuvan uusista mahdollisuuksista. Työpaja on ilmainen, mutta ilmoittaudu nopeasti. Perjantain esittelypäivään voi tulla mukaan myös vain kuulemaan asiasta lisää.
Viikonlopun työpaja on täynnä, mutta voit ilmoittautua varasijalle lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen info@sarjakuvaseura.fi. Käytä ”Motion Comics Forward Workshop Sign-up” sähköpostin otsikkona.
Get a glimpse of the future of digital comics! The workshop will provide a chance to work with the Australian artist Sutu and make digital comics to be published on Instagram and on the Arilyn augmented reality app. We also hear about how new digital formats can be utilised for comics. The workshop is free of charge, but book quickly. The Friday introduction requires no registration and you can just come hear more about it all.
Dates: 8th–10th April 2016
Venue: Sarjakuvakeskus / Comics Center, Hämeentie 150, 00560 Helsinki
Motion Comics Forward Workshop will be a free showcase evening and two day workshop in Helsinki, April 2016, aimed at comic artists and students of comics art. The workshop will focus on a new medium called motion comics, a combination of animation and interactive elements in comics form. The workshop will be led by Australian comic artist Sutu, a pioneer in the field.
Workshop schedule
Friday 8th April, Sutu lecture/showcase and introduction to Arilyn
Time: 16–19
Free admission, no prior registration
Artist Sutu will present a showcase of his works and give an introduction to the medium of motion comics. The evening will also include an introduction to Arilyn by the application’s creators.
Saturday 9th April, Day 1 of workshop (WORKSHOP IS FULL)
Time: 11–18
Free admission, prior registration required
Workshop participants get acquainted with the motion comics technique and begin their own works using either Method 1 or Method 2 as described below:
Method 1 for the workshop is to create an Instagram comic and try out different ways to use the square format (static or 15 second videos) to tell a story. The story can be one-off or multiple posts.
Method 2 for the workshop is to create an augmented reality comic using Arilyn application for Android devices (www.arilyn.fi). The application will utilize real-life elements and add additional content from drawn images. The finished work will be published on the Arilyn platform and should be a one-off story.
Sunday 10th April, Day 2 of workshop (WORKSHOP IS FULL)
Time: 11–18
Participants continue to work on their stories. The finished works will be published on the Comic Center’s Instagram accounts and on Arilyn.
In case the works cannot be finished by the end of the weekend, the Comics Center will provide use of their facilities and technical advice afterwards, as well.
Workshop participants retain rights to their works, though the Comics Center and Finnish Comics Society hope they can use the finished works to publish the results of the project on their social media and website.
Workshop is full.
Friday’s lecture and showcase is open to the public and requires no prior registration.
Participants’ equipment
Participants will be provided with drawing materials and devices at the Comics Center but are encouraged to bring their own laptops, Android/IOs devices, possible Cintiqs etc. Working with familiar workstations will also make the work process as fluid as possible.
If you have any questions related to the workshop please contact us at info@sarjakuvaseura.fi.
Download Arilyn for free:
iOS version from Appstore: http://apple.co/1NHlm0Q
Android version from Google Play: http://bit.ly/1NqjA1Y
Työpajaa tukee Nordplus Horizontal. The workshop is supported by Nordplus Horizontal.