In English

Welcome to Comics Center!

Comics Center (Sarjakuvakeskus) is an open and independent cultural centre for comics art.

Finnish Comics Society is the organisation behind Comics Center. The Society was started in 1971 and it publishes the Sarjainfo magazine, organises events and the annual Helsinki Comics Festival, among other things.

Check out our comics courses – we always offer some courses in English.

Contact us

Address: Laivalahden puistotie 7 C, 00810 Helsinki

Courses and workshops:

Office phone number: 09 685 6100
Calls Monday and Thursday between 11 am and 5 pm.

Courses and workshops

Comics Center organises courses for adults, kids, youth and senior citizens at different locations throughout Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. We also organise comics courses on demand.

We teach making comics at courses and workshops, the students of which range from kids to professionals. The courses are longer, with fees, and workshops are generally free to enter. Finnish and international artists visit to hold exhibitions and workshops, also in English. We have a good network of Finnish comics teachers and we also organise courses and pop-up events elsewhere in Finland and abroad.

We specialise in using comics and workshops for the benefit of the differing needs of various groups and organisations. We work with companies and organisations that want to use comics as a means for brainstorming and/or internal and external communication. We also help in getting in touch with suitable people for artists for clients’ projects.

The comics method and themed workshops can be used for working with special needs groups. Our teachers have worked with numerous groups ranging from persons with physical and mental disabilities to prisoners to pensioners. Making comics is a low threshold art activity that can be used for empowerment through telling personal stories, group bonding, communication and small press and web publishing. We believe in comics!


Illustration: Milla Paloniemi

Accessibility at Comics Center

The main entrance to the Comics Center is on Laivalahden puistotie. The front door has four 10 cm high steps. The width of the door opening is 80 cm and the height of the threshold is 3 cm. On the street side, the windows have mirrored tapes for the time being, which makes the space poorly visible from the outside.

More accessible entrance to the Comic Strip Center along the strip on the courtyard side. The front door has a 2 cm threshold and the door opening is 84 cm wide. Entrance to the wind cabinet from the front door. From the wind cabinet, you can enter the stairwell from the door, which is 84 cm wide. The entrance from the stairwell to the Comic Strip Center is from a door with a 2 cm threshold, the width of the door opening is 80 cm.

The Comics Center has a spacious toilet with a door opening 90cm wide. There is a support railing on the right side of the toilet bowl and a support handle on the wall on the left side.

Sarjakuvakeskus Muki

Our Safer Space Policy

Finnish Comics Society and Comics Center are committed to following a safer space policy. Discriminatory language or actions are not welcome in this space.

Comics Center visitors are required to respect the physical and emotional boundaries of others and all forms of harassment, including verbal, are not permitted in this space. Persons who violate these policies and act threateningly can be removed from Comics Center spaces and events.

Finnish Comics Society and Comics Center strives to further inclusiveness, accessibility, equality, diversity, community and anti-racism in all their functions.

Helsinki Comics Festival

See also Helsinki Comics Festival –

Next up: September 2023. Free entry!

Social Media

Sarjakuvakeskuksen Facebook
Comics Center Twitter
Sarjakuvakeskuksen Instagram

Images: Henry Söderlund