Terhi Adler – WHATEVER 16.-28.11.2020
Galleria Sarjakuvakeskus, Porthaninkatu 9
Näyttely tutkii, miten toteuttaa sarjakuvaa uudella tavalla: kolmessa ulottuvuudessa. Galleriatilan valtaavat sarjakuvainstallaatiot
Terhi Adler (1989) on poikkitaiteellinen graafikko, kuvittaja ja luova generalisti, joka tekee myös sarjakuvaa sekä animaatiota. Kiinnostuksenkohteita ovat myös esim. keramiikka, videotaide sekä komiikka. Adler on aiemmin valmistunut Aalto-yliopistosta taiteen kandidaatiksi, ja tämä näyttely on osa hänen maisterin opinnäytetyötään samaan laitokseen.
Terhi Adlerin haastattelu Sarjakuvakeskuksen blogissa.
WHATEVER — Spatial Sequential Art
Galleria Sarjakuvakeskus, Porthaninkatu 9
Exhibition open 16.-28.11.2020 Mon-Fri 11AM-7PM and Sat 11AM-3PM
Language of the comics: English
This exhibition acts as a research of a novel way to produce comics: in three dimensions. The gallery space is filled with comic art installations in various different experimental forms.
What if we thought again what a comics exhibition could be like. Would it be possible to reach the same level of immersiveness as with reading a comic book? What would it be like to be a part of a comic strip? Could sequential art be interactive? This exhibition is pushing and breaking the limits, and possibly suggesting a new interpretation on the term ’sequential art’.
Whatever js a comics project that exists in many dimensions at the same time. First of all, it’s comics. Secondly, it’s the spatial comics/installations seen exhibited. Thirdly, a series of short animations are on their way.
Whatever tells the story of Girl in her thirties, who is living with her best friend Cat and therapist Plant as room mates. She is trying to survive her chaotic yet boring life filled with dating apps, odd jobs and healing crystals. This time the characters have been stuck in some weird, unforeseen circumstances.
Terhi Adler (1989) is a cross-disciplinary graphic designer, illustrator and creative generalist, who also makes comics and animation. She is also interested in e.g. ceramics, video art and comedy too. Adler has a prior undergraduate degree from Aalto university, and this exhibition is a part of her master of arts’ thesis for the same school.
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